Wednesday, January 7, 2009


LAHORE is a Municipal city, has been the capital of Punjab for nearly a thousand years, and the administrative head-quarters of a Division and District of the same name. It is situated one mile to the south of the river Ravi , and some 23 miles from the eastern border of the district. The city is built in the form of a parallelogram, the area within the walls, exclusive of the citadel, being about 461 acres. It stands on the alluvial plain traversed by the river Ravi . The city is slightly elevated above the plain, and has a high ridge within it, running east and west on its northern side. The whole of this elevated ground is composed of the accumulated debris of many centuries. The river, which makes a very circuitous bend from the East, passes in a semi-circle to the North of Lahore. Lahore has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. It is a fine place to watch the world rush by. The improbable mix of painted trucks, cars, bullock carts, buses, handcarts, scooters with whole families. A classical city, according to the words of Noor Jahan .
"I have purchased Lahore with my life, By giving my life for Lahore, Actually I have purchased another Paradise," Empress Noor Jahan

Lahore is undoubtedly ancient. Legend had it that it was founded by Loh , son of Rama , the hero of the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. Some others think that the name means Loh-awar , meaning a "Fort as strong as Iron". It waxed and waned in importance during the Sultanate. But, Muslim rule began here when Qutub-ud-din Aibak was crowned in Lahore in 1206 and thus became the first Muslim Sultan of the subcontinent.
It reached its full glory under Mughal rule from 1524 to 1752. It was Akbar's capital for the 14 years from 1584 to 1598. He built the massive Lahore Fort on the foundations of a previous fort and enclosed the city within a red brick wall boasting 12 gates. Jahangir and Shah Jahan (who was born in Lahore) extended the fort, built palaces and tombs, and laid out gardens. Jahangir loved the town and he and his wife Noor Jahan are buried at Shahdara . Shah Jahan was born in Lahore and added buildings. The last of the great Mughals , Aurangzeb (1658-1707), gave Lahore its most famous monument, the great Badshahi Masjid and the Alamgiri gateway to the fort. During the eighteenth century, as Moghul power dwindled, there were constant invasions. Lahore was a suba - a province of the Empire. There were subadars , provincial rulers with their own court. These Governors managed as best they could though for much of the time it must have been a rather thankless task to even attempt. The 1740s were years of chaos, and between 1745 and 1756 there were nine changes of Governor. Invasions and chaos in local government allowed bands of warring Sikhs to gain control in some areas. Lahore ended up being ruled by a triumvirate of Sikhs of loose character and the population of the city invited Ranjit Singh to invade. He took the city in 1799. Holding the capital gave him some legitimacy; he became Emperor. The Sikh period was bad news for the protection of ancient buildings. Some survived, misused and knocked about a bit and a few new ones were added. Nevertheless, descriptions of Lahore during the early 19th century refer to it as a "melancholy picture of fallen splendor."
The British added a great many buildings, plenty of " Moghul Gothic", as well as some shady bungalows and gardens. Early on, the British tended to build workaday structures in sites like the Fort, though later they did start to make an effort to preserve some ancient buildings. The Lahore Cantonment, the British residential district of wide, tree-lined streets and white bungalows set in large, shaded gardens, is the prettiest cantonment in Pakistan. Since Independence in 1947, Lahore has expanded rapidly as the capital of Pakistani Punjab. It is the second-largest city in the country and an important industrial center.

Shalimar Garden
The word "Shalimar" means, the purest of human pleasures. It was completed between 1639 and 1641 in the reign of Emperor Shah Jehan . Its triple-terraced gardens decorated with marble pavilions, ornamental pools, water falls and fountains, make it one of the world's finest Persian gardens.

Badshahi Mosque
World's largest existing "Historical Mosque" built in 1674. It was constructed using a blend of white marble and red stone, decorated with beautifully engraved "QURANIC" verses, and fresco.

Lahore Fort
Although founded some where in the B.C. era yet built into its present shape between 1566 and 1673 A.D. A grandeur of Moghal Architecture best preserved archaeologically are "SHISH MAHAL" (The Palace of Mirrors), "MOTI MASJID" (Pearl Mosque), " "DIWAN-E-AAM" (Court for the Commons) and "HATHI PER" (Elephant Steps). it also has Moghal & Sikh period museums.

Jahangir's Tomb
Here lies most romantic prince Salim , turned to Emperor Jehangir , descendant of " Akbar the Great", built in 1637 A.D. by his beloved Queen " Noor-Jehan ". It is surrounded by a beautiful garden. It is an alcove for the romantic souls, even today.

Noor Jehan's Tomb
"Light of the World." Noor-Jehan was the title given by the Emperor Jehangir to his beloved last wife. She died in 1645 and rests in peace with her daughter " Ladli Begum".

Old City
The history of old city may be as old as the Lahore Fort but it is still living within its walled area which is accessible through 12 gates. Its a multiple bazaar and jostling adventure of the oriental culture and has its won flair and aroma.

Lahore Museum
Established during the British Raj in 1864. Displays a complete cross-section of the Culture and History of the region with rare and best collection of the Buddhist art from the Gandhara Period, Islamic artifacts, Calligraphy, Old Manuscripts, Arms, Costumes and Jewelry.

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